Constant overdose on vitamin C (more than 1g a day) can cause:
- Sleeplessness,
- Anxiety,
- Infringement of work of kidneys and a pancreas,
- Delays menstrual cycle.
Pregnant, and at diabetes, cataract, thrombophlebitis the use of ascorbic acid in the raised doses is forbidden: it can cause overdose on vitamin C
 The overabundance of vitamins has also one more by-effect: some elements in the raised doses can provoke loss by organism of other useful substances.

Day dose of vitamin C:
- For adults - about 100mg;
- If you smoke, have depressions, physical activities – up to 120mg;
- For children - 40-70mg depending on growth and weight;
- During colds the dosage increases in one and a half time;
- For pregnant about 90mg.

Vitamin C - cautions:
It is necessary to use carefully at nephrolithiasis and diabetes.
The use in a combination to aspirin can cause stomach ulcer aggravation.
At pregnancy it is recommended to abstain from the raised quantity of vitamin C.

Non-admission of overdose on vitamin C easily attainable aim - it is necessary to drink vitamins strictly under the recommendations enclosed in a box with tablets. Correctly eating is necessary.
Rich sources of vitamin C in a raw foodstuff:
- Hips,
- Sea-buckthorn berries,
- Black currant,
- Red pepper.
It is nearly impossible to overdose on vitamin C from the foods that you eat.

See also:
How to raise hemoglobin
How to heal without medicine

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can you overdose on vitamin C, vitamin C daily recommended dose, recommended dose of vitamin C, overdose of vitamin C, overdose vitamin C, overdose on vitamin C, high dose vitamin C