PESTS OF PLANTS. Larvae of spring cabbage fly
White legless larvae of spring cabbage fly damage roots and lower stems of seedlings of cabbage.
Lengths are up to 8mm; at the end of the body have 16 knolls. Puparia overwinter in the soil. The flies emerge during planting seedlings (in greenhouses before the open field). On the fourth and sixth day after flowering wild cherry, they start to lay eggs (white with a groove, cigar-shaped, about 1 mm long) on the lower part of stem, root collar, and often on the soil around the plants. Each female lays up to 100 eggs (several pieces per plant). About a week later the larvae emerge, which penetrate into the roots (not just cabbage and turnip). Heavily damaged plants when moisture deficiency die. After 20 - 30 days larvae turn into pupae, of which 15 - 20 days fly out flies. In the south during the year develop three generations.
Dangerous pest of cabbage plants is a year-old fly that lives in one generation (the mature insects emerge after the harvest of early cabbage). The larvae damage roots and her stump sprouts. To combat it is recommended to plant the plants are not too deep, timely and feed their spud. Stumps must be removed immediately after harvest.