The most reliable way to get rid of cockroaches is exception of the possible latent places near pipes, other warm, dark and damp places in apartments. As is known, cockroaches do not like draughts, bright light, sharp differences of temperatures. It is necessary to take advantage of these facts at extermination of cockroaches:
· do not encase pipes!
· close up all gaps in ceilings and floor, where pipes pass to other storey.
· pull the lattices of extracts in bathrooms with a mosquito screen.
· hermetically seal the door of ventilating shaft if there is a door in utility core.
· investigate kitchen about presence of cracks where crumbs or other food rests can get. If there are such places, eliminate them.
· In a dustbin sprinkle a little salt (it is better a disinfectant).
· In time repair all leaks in pipes and in the sewerage system
· cleaned dishes put in a sideboard in a dry kind.