On water-melon and melon leaves there are roundish or oval stains of yellowish -brown or pinkish colour.
Such signs of defeat of plants are characteristic for the illness known under the name Anthracnose. Anthracnose is extended everywhere in areas with the raised humidity of air. In the years favorable for development of Anthracnose, the illness does notable harm to a water-melon and a melon.
The stains which have appeared on leaves gradually increase. At strong development of Anthracnose stains can capture whole sheet. On defeated leaves fragmentary apertures are formed, leaves turn yellow, are braided and dry up.
Pressed damp stains on defeated bines gradually turning to ulcers are formed. Bines in defeat places get thin also break off. The defeated fruits often do not develop, get the ugly form. The generated fruits quickly rot and grow mouldy.
Measures of struggle against Anthracnose :
- Destruction of the vegetative rests,
- Observance of alternation of plants,
- Moderate humidifying of soil,
- Cultivation of a sowing furrow after each watering,
- Spraying of plants with 1 % Bordeaux mixture,
- Dusting with powdered sulphur (150g on 100ΠΌ2). The first time a plant should be processed at occurrence of signs of Anthracnose, then in formation of bines, at fruit inception with an interval in 10-15 days, but not later than 20 days prior to harvesting.
Timely processing of plants considerably reduces their disease with Anthracnose.