To vegetable cultures the big harm is caused by the Cut worm (noctuid): winter, exclamatory, wheaten, Icelandic, a black cutworm, etc. Caterpillars of these noctuids are grayish-earthy. They behave nocturnalism. They cut stalks, footstalks and gnaw out root crops.
In struggle against the Cut worm it is necessary:
- First of all, to destroy weeds,
- It is good to dig over a site in the autumn.
It is possible to catch butterflies of the Cut worm in special pans, which put on supports in height nearby 1m. In them pour water with treacle (3:1) and add a few yeast. Fermented treacle involves butterflies, they get in pans and sink in them (it is necessary to collect a Cut worm in the mornings). Caterpillars collect manually near plants (in the top layer of earth).