Rotted manure and mineral fertilizers are used for Potato plant.
Under the early potato manure is put in the fall, under the winter potato – at preparation of lot for planting the tubers. Phosphate fertilizers are used in the fall when lot is digging, potash fertilizers - in the fall and spring, and nitrogen fertilizers - in the spring. It is necessary to avoid the use of potassium chloride. The fact that the chlorine, which is in the composition of this fertilizer, has a harmful effect on potato plants, so where possible, be replaced the potassium chloride by fertilizer without chlorine forms, such as potassium sulfate. This increases the starch of tubers, and hence the nutritional value of potatoes. Early potatoes are usually fed once with ammonium nitrate after shoots appear: 0.8-1kg of fertilizer per 100m2. For accelerate maturation and improve the yield and starch content in tubers of potato, some growers are used foliar application of aqueous extract of phosphorus fertilizer once or twice during the ripening of the potato, but for 20-30 days before harvest. 1kg of superphosphate infusion (on 10-20liters of water) is used per 100m2.
If the site annually fertilized with manure, lush greens growing, but little is tuber, it necessary to stop the manure. In the spring should be dug as deeply as possible. If, however, will grow lush, dark greens, it is necessary to feed the plant with potassium sulfate and superphosphate (2kg per 100m2).
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EARLY HARVEST POTATOES. Agricultural practices (on an example of Central Asia)
To get an early potato, tubers germinated in the light, with a short (1-2cm), strong shoots are placed in rows on baskets or in boxes on the bottom of which pre-poured 2 - 3cm layer of humus, mixed with sawdust in half. Each row of tubers is cowered with layer of the same mixture. And so, to the fifth and seventh rows. After that filled containers sprinkled with water at room temperature, so as to wet the bottom layer of the soil, and put in a room with a temperature of 15-17°C . After a day or two the tubers are abundantly watered with fertilizer solution (20g of potassium salt and 60g of superphosphate in a bucket of water). If there is no chemical fertilizers, for the same amount of water can put a glass of the ash. Two days later, fertilizing watering is repeated. Tubers are planted in the sixth or seventh day after laying them in baskets (boxes) with a mixture of humus.
First, each hollow is put humus soil. Thoroughly mix the soil in hollow with the fertilizer. Carefully, germinated tubers are removed from the basket (box) and planted. Planting is watered and sprinkled with straw, dry soil. Further care of the plants as usual.
There is another way of processing with nutrient solution before planting.100kg of tubers need solution of 0.2kg of super phosphate, 1g of boric acid and 1g of copper sulfate (blue vitriol).WHEN AND HOW TO PLANT POTATO (on an example of Central Asia). What are tubers?
The potato demands well processed soft soil. At spring planting it is better to place after root crops, cucurbitaceous cultures, late-ripening cabbage, and at summer planting - after cropping of early vegetables, vegetable peas. For accelerate maturing of a potato and to get the big crop, tubers approximately one month prior to planting are sprouted. For this purpose tubers in weight 60-80g are selected and scattered them on a floor in light heat (12 - 15°С) premise.
Up to planting time on tubers short fragile potato sprouts are emerged on red - or blue-violet colour.
For obtain an early potato, tubers are sowed in the end of February - the beginning of March, depending on area.
A late potato is planted in June.
In southern areas of the meadow-bog soils, slowly drying out in the spring, tubers can be sowed as overwintering plant - in November-December. Delay with planting brings to decrease in productivity of a potato crop.
Planting distances are: 70cm between rows and 20-25cm between plants in rows. Norm of planting is - 25-35kg per 100м2 depending on the size of a tuber. Depth of planting of a potato in February-March - 6-8cm, in June - 12-16cm, towards the winter - 18-20cm (in the spring topsoil on overwintering potato crop was reduced to 8-10cm). In places planting, hollows are done. In everyone hollow put two or three handfuls of compost. Fertilizer is mixed with soil and tubers are put in the hollows.
Then the hollows covered with earth, carried furrow irrigation and mulching with humus, a film, and when summer planting sprinkled with straw, dry ground.
With the shortage of seed material, tubers can be cut into pieces, so for each of them had two or three buds. At summer planting tubers can not cut on parts. The most common early, middle and middle-early potato varieties:
- Priekule early,
- Priekule early,
- Sedov,
- Berlichingen,
- Lorch,
- Falenskiy.
Potato varieties recommended for planting in the spring:
- Priekule early
- Sedov,
- Falenskiy,
- Zarafshan
- Ural early,
-Belarus early,
- Berlichingen,
- Lorch.
For summer planting all varieties (except middle) are suitable.- Sedov,
- Falenskiy,
- Zarafshan
- Ural early,
- Berlichingen,
- Lorch.
Middle- and especially late potato varieties can not be used for spring planting. They do not have time to form a crop before the summer heat.
Priekule early - high-yielding, white potatoes, starch - about 15%. Plants are resistant to cancer, but can sick with macrosporose.
Sedov - early, high-yielding, resistant to degeneration, is also suitable for late and summer plantings. Tubers are round, large, white, good taste, their starch is low. Tubers are stored well.
Berlichingen - sort of middle potato, fruitful, resistant to cancer and is quite resistant to scab, degeneration. Fresh tubers are suitable for planting. Tubers are red, oval, delicious, starchy is average. Tubers are stored well.
Lorch - sort of middle potato, high yielding, zoned in all
Falenskiy is middle-early, fruitful sort. Tubers are oblong-oval, white, average starchy, good taste. Tubers are rather good stored.
Raw spinach (spinache) has “raw spinach nutrients”:
- Various vitamins,
- Organic acids (spinach oxalic acid…),
- Series of mineral salts:
· Potassium,
· Calcium,
· Phosphorus,
· Iron (spinach iron)
· iodine
· Etc.
Spinach leaves has magnificent organic substances which are necessary for all gastrointestinal tract.
Spinach is useful to children as well influences growth and organism development.
Possessing the good cleansing, antiseptic, disinfecting properties, spinach nutrients promote restoration of the broken functions of gastrointestinal tract. At the daily use of two glasses of spinach juice it is possible to cure constipation in the most serious form within several days.
Other valuable property of spinach is its salutary influence on teeth and gum, ability to prevent a diarrhea.
It is possible to eat spinach without special restrictions.
Eat spinach in a raw, boiled, tinned and dried kind.
To older persons, and also sick of gout, cholelithic and nephrolithiasis it is necessary to concern spinach with care.
See also:
does spinach contain iron, does spinach have iron, eat raw spinach, raw spinach vs cooked spinach, raw vs cooked spinach, spinach cooked or raw, spinach cooked vs raw, spinach raw or cooked, spinach raw vs cooked, iron in spinach, iron spinach, nutrients in spinach, nutrients of spinach, oxalic acid in spinach, oxalic acid spinach, raw spinach nutrition, spinach and iron, spinach raw, spinach nutrients raw
Celandine (celandine poppy - Chelidonium diphyllum) contains:
- Alkaloids,
- Volatile oil,
- Vitamin C,
- Saponins,
- Apple acid,
- Lemon acid,
- Amber acid.
In medical practice celandines are applied at jaundice, gout, as diuretic, laxative and anaesthetic. For toxicity of preparations, intake and enema should be done only in clinical conditions.
Celandine (greater celandine, lesser celandine) fresh lacteal juice in folk medicine is widely used at:
- Removal of wart (verrucous, verruga, verrugas, verucas, verrucca, verucca),
- Removal of callosities,
- Removal of pigmentary stain on a skin.
See also:
amber acid, anaesthetic, callosities, celandine poppy, diuretic, gout, laxative, saponins, verrucous keratosis, verrucous lesion, verrucous lesions, verrucous papule, verrucous papules, verrucous warts, volatile oil
Threadleaf tickseed (beggar tick, beggars tick, beggar-ticks, bur-marigold) contains:
- Volatile oil,
- Tannins,
- Carotin,
- Ascorbic acid.
In traditional medicine the threadleaf tickseed is applied at:
- Illnesses of respiratory apparatus,
- Infringement of a metabolism,
- Languid digestion,
- Illness of blood,
- A toothache.
Fill in with a cup of boiled water one table spoon of the crushed dried tickseed, boil by 20 minutes and filter. For children is more than ten years old and the adult it is appointed on a quarter of a cup three times a day to a hungry stomach. (Use it only under the recommendation of the doctor!!!)
The tickseed broth is widely used external at various skin diseases: -
- Scrofulous,
- A diathesis,
- Allergic reactions, with a strong itch.
See also:
How to heal without drugs
what contains ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid vitamin, ascorbic acid vitamin C, organic ascorbic acid, tickseed, natural ascorbic acid, products with ascorbic acid
Leaves, roots and seeds of chicory contain, in particular:
- Inulin,
- Intibin glycoside.
In flowers are available:
- Glucose,
- The lacteal juice containing bitter substances.
Chicory is used in folk medicine in conditions as:
- Illness of a gastrointestinal tract,
- tumour of a spleen,
- loss of strength,
- hysteria,
- diabetes,
- sick liver,
- cirrhosis,
- jaundice.
Three table spoons of the crushed root (leaves, seeds) of chicory infuse in boiled water and maintain on a boiling water bath of 30 minutes, constantly stirring slowly. Take three times a day on a table spoon before meal.
It is possible to restore normal sight, during short time, drinking daily a cup of a mix of juice of chicory, parsley, celery and carrots.
See also:
Birth control pills menstrual cycle
Contraceptive pills are the modern contraceptive preparations with effectiveness in 98 % of cases.
During its using effects not contraceptive properties are observed also: at many women the condition of a skin, hair improves, menstrual cycle is normalized.
Positive results from using of contraceptive pills are possible only at correct, individual selection of contraceptives.
Positive effects of contraceptive pills:
- Regulation of phases of menstrual cycle, of menstrual cycle stages, of average menstrual cycle length;
- Regulation of heavy menstrual cycle;
- Regulation of menstrual cycle heavy bleeding (heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle);
- Influence on unpleasant sensations in the middle of a cycle and before menstruation;
- Protection from iron deficiency anemia;
- Reduce frequency of "female" inflammatory diseases;
- Reduce risk of tumoral diseases of sexual sphere;
- Delay of development of an osteoporosis;
- Preventive maintenance of extra-uterine pregnancy;
- Medical effect at some skin diseases.
Possible negative effects of contraceptive pills:
- Temporal and slight increase of arterial pressure;
- In the presence of bilious stones, increase of bilious colic attacks is possible;
- More or less expressed intermenstrual bleedings;
- Unpleasant sensations from mammary glands;
- A headache;
- Nausea, vomiting;
- Mood change;
- Changes of a sexual appetite;
- Pigmentary stains or changes of colour of a skin, in the parts of a body which are exposed to influence of sunlight.
At correct individual selection of contraceptives the risk of development of by-effects is minimized. For this purpose it is necessary to visit the gynecologist-endocrinologist and to pass corresponding inspection.
The wormwood contains: - Absinthin, - Anabsithin, - Vitamin C, - Volatile oil, - Tannins. The wormwood has antiseptic, febrifugal, styptic and antitoxic action. In medical practice wormwood preparations are used: - At neurasthenia and neurological pains, - At infringements of menstrual cycle, - As calming at an epilepsy, - At spasms, - For treatment of ulcers and long time not healing wounds. In folk medicine wormwood infusions are used for improvement of work of a stomach, and also at: - Food poisoning, - Diarrhea, - Jaundice, - Pain in a liver, - Pain in a bilious bubble, - Anemia (iron deficiency anemia), - Sleeplessness, - Worms (helminthes). Table spoon of the crushed flowers and wormwood tops fill in with two cups of strong boiled water, two-three hours set aside and drink on a half-cup three times a day. Three table spoons of the crushed roots dissolve in half of liter of white wine, boil one minute (for bitterness easing it is possible to add honey), set aside and drink on three table spoons for half an hour to meal. Alcoholism treatment. For treatment of alcoholism a wormwood is used in a mix with thyme. In veterinary the wormwood is used, when disposal of fleas is required.
See also:
Vitamin C overdose symptoms:
- Dizziness,
- Exhaustion,
- Skin eruption,
- Pain in a stomach.
At acute chronic vitamin C overdose are occurred:
- Headache,
- Increased CNS excitability,
- Sleeplessness,
- Nausea,
- Vomiting,
- Diarrhea.
Prevention of overdose on vitamin C is easy - it is necessary to drink vitamins strictly under the recommendations enclosed in a box with tablets. Correctly eating is necessary.
See also:
How to heal without medicine
Tag cloud
Vitamin C overdose symptoms, vitamin C high dose, high doses of vitamin C, megadose vitamin C, vitamin C megadose
Constant overdose on vitamin C (more than 1g a day) can cause:
- Sleeplessness,
- Anxiety,
- Infringement of work of kidneys and a pancreas,
- Delays menstrual cycle.
Pregnant, and at diabetes, cataract, thrombophlebitis the use of ascorbic acid in the raised doses is forbidden: it can cause overdose on vitamin C
The overabundance of vitamins has also one more by-effect: some elements in the raised doses can provoke loss by organism of other useful substances.
Day dose of vitamin C:
- For adults - about 100mg;
- If you smoke, have depressions, physical activities – up to 120mg;
- For children - 40-70mg depending on growth and weight;
- During colds the dosage increases in one and a half time;
- For pregnant about 90mg.
Vitamin C - cautions:
It is necessary to use carefully at nephrolithiasis and diabetes.
The use in a combination to aspirin can cause stomach ulcer aggravation.
At pregnancy it is recommended to abstain from the raised quantity of vitamin C.
Non-admission of overdose on vitamin C easily attainable aim - it is necessary to drink vitamins strictly under the recommendations enclosed in a box with tablets. Correctly eating is necessary.
Rich sources of vitamin C in a raw foodstuff:
- Hips,
- Sea-buckthorn berries,
- Black currant,
- Red pepper.
It is nearly impossible to overdose on vitamin C from the foods that you eat.
See also:
How to raise hemoglobin
How to heal without medicine
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can you overdose on vitamin C, vitamin C daily recommended dose, recommended dose of vitamin C, overdose of vitamin C, overdose vitamin C, overdose on vitamin C, high dose vitamin C
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