Ignoramuses come to sorceress, with the request to jinx at someone, order love spells, to put the evil eye on somebody etc. Thus are not troubled to think of that, whence the sorceress takes bioenergetics for realization of so strong action.
Ignoramuses come to sorceress, with the request to jinx at someone, order love spells, to put the evil eye on somebody etc. Thus are not troubled to think of that, whence the sorceress takes bioenergetics for realization of so strong action.
Customer, who has ordered a love spell, pays services of the sorceress by money or other material benefit. Customer pays only services for a bioenergetics redirection in a demanded channel. The customer has not compensated the bioenergetics with money. …Because, it is impossible to compensate the bioenergetics with (via) money. It is other substance. The adequate substance (bioenergetics - in this case) here is required. It is riches not estimated by money - we name it a Gift. Everyone has such a Gift from a birth, God-given. The Gift is: the Life, the Health, the Children and the Luck of the customer. The most powerful (expensive) among them is Life, further - Health, Children, and at last, the weakest is Luck. Exactly these riches compensate the bioenergetics, spent for realization of love spells, incantations and jinxes. Usually, first of all, is spent the Luck. But as it cannot defray the big bioenergetics expenses, other powerful riches are used too. And it is not obligatory one after another! How to be if the customer, for any reasons cannot compensate bioenergetics, spent for love spells, with own Gift? In this case he (she) borrows his children and/or grandchildren!!!
The most insulting is that the customer does not know about it!
PS: Similar occurs also in a case when you will wish the bad to anybody mentally or oral !!!