Ignoramuses come to sorceress, with the request to jinx at someone, order love spells, to put the evil eye on somebody etc. Thus are not troubled to think of that, whence the sorceress takes bioenergetics for realization of so strong action.     
Customer, who has ordered a love spell, pays services of the sorceress by money or other material benefit. Customer pays only services for a bioenergetics redirection in a demanded channel. The customer has not compensated the bioenergetics with money. …Because, it is impossible to compensate the bioenergetics with (via) money. It is other substance. The adequate substance (bioenergetics - in this case) here is required. It is riches not estimated by money - we name it a Gift. Everyone has such a Gift from a birth, God-given. The Gift is: the Life, the Health, the Children and the Luck of the customer. The most powerful (expensive) among them is Life, further - Health, Children, and at last, the weakest is Luck. Exactly these riches compensate the bioenergetics, spent for realization of love spells, incantations and jinxes. Usually, first of all, is spent the Luck. But as it cannot defray the big bioenergetics expenses, other powerful riches are used too. And it is not obligatory one after another! How to be if the customer, for any reasons cannot compensate bioenergetics, spent for love spells, with own Gift? In this case he (she) borrows his children and/or grandchildren!!!
The most insulting is that the customer does not know about it!

PS: Similar occurs also in a case when you will wish the bad to anybody mentally or oral !!!


The most reliable way to get rid of cockroaches is exception of the possible latent places near pipes, other warm, dark and damp places in apartments. As is known, cockroaches do not like draughts, bright light, sharp differences of temperatures. It is necessary to take advantage of these facts at extermination of cockroaches:
· do not encase pipes!
· close up all gaps in ceilings and floor, where pipes pass to other storey.
· pull the lattices of extracts in bathrooms with a mosquito screen.
· hermetically seal the door of ventilating shaft if there is a door in utility core.
· investigate kitchen about presence of cracks where crumbs or other food rests can get. If there are such places, eliminate them.
· In a dustbin sprinkle a little salt (it is better a disinfectant).
· In time repair all leaks in pipes and in the sewerage system
· cleaned dishes put in a sideboard in a dry kind.


In “A&F” No 15 of 2011 I’ve read an article «Self-made light» about how Nikolay Budilin has constructed the self-made wind generator.
I’ve recollected how in 1966 year on a field camp roof there was «a wind generator». It was constructed by the tractor driver. The generator reminded the big weather vane. Behind the generator there was the long "tail" made of plywood. The tail showed, where the wind blows. Directly under the generator the tractor headlight hungs. The headlight well shone, when the good wind blows. In the rest of the time light from a headlight was weak. But this weak light was very useful in the field.
As the tractor driver spoke, the generator ("dynamo") is from a broken ancient tractor, the airscrew ("propeller") from an ancient plane. The airscrew has been set directly on a generator shaft.
I remember, this «the wind light» lit very long. I think that at small improvement, it would be possible to receive from it more FREE light.  

Mole cricket. How to struggle

(a large burrowing nocturnal cricket with broad forelegs, the female of which lays her eggs in an underground nest and guards the young. ● Family Gryllotalpidae, subfamily Gryllotalpinae: several genera)

       The adult insect (length to 50mm, brown colour, with forward feet in the form of a shovel with teeth) very much reminds a crayfish.
       Mole crickets are found more often on well humidified soils, near the rivers, ponds, in damp places. Mole cricket and its larvae dig passages in soil and damage roots, stalks of plants, tubers, root crops and seeds of cabbage, carrots, a cucumber, a beet, a tomato, an eggplant. Larvae of the insect are very similar to an adult insect, only have no wings.
       Larvae of Mole cricket and adult Mole cricket winter in soil or manure. Mole cricket blow eggs (Approximately on 400 pieces) in earthen caves.
       If to dig out in the autumn superficial (40sm) holes and to fill them with horse manure Mole cricket willingly gets into them on wintering. In the winter these holes dig out, and destroy insects. Careful late-autumn dig over a site promotes to exterminate of the insect.

Simple ways of struggle against wireworm

       Wireworms (larvae of elaters) damage root system of many plants - cabbage, carrots, a beet, a tomato, a cucumber, an onions, a potato, and also seeds and shoots.
       Elaters have the extended body if them to put on a back, they jump up, doing thus loud click (from here and the name of an insect). Larvae of elaters yellowy-brown, rigid, remind a wire, have three pairs short feet. Eggs white (0.5mm). Larvae develop three-four years.
       In struggle against wireworm good results give:
- Careful spring ploughing of soil,
- Liming,
- Catching of elaters, by put in the early spring on a site small heaps of a grass, straw.

Simple ways of struggle against slugs

       Naked slugs (snails) are dangerous pests of vegetable plants. In cool rainy weather on kitchen garden snails happens especially much. Slugs strongly damage cabbage, carrots, parsley, a beet, pepper, a cucumber, an eggplant, peas, a string bean, salad, other vegetables, a potato. They eat away oblong holes in leaves. In root crops, fruits and tubers of a potato slugs do deep cavities. Slugs conduct a nocturnalism. In the daytime Slugs usually hide under soil lumps, plants. At night slugs leave refuges and damage plants. The damaged root crops and tubers rot.
       To get rid of slugs:
- Between beds after rains scatter a strip slaked lime, wood ashes or superphosphate powder in the evening,
- After 30-40 minutes such processing should be repeated,
- It is possible to use also baits - to scatter between beds of a crust of a water-melon, a melon, a pumpkin. Slugs, catching a pleasant smell, quickly slip from plants and pass to new juicy and sweet forage, willingly eating it. Early in the morning collect them and destroy.
- It is necessary to avoid crops thickening,
- Carefully to weed weeds,
- In due time to delete from a site the postpicking rests, which also are in use as a refuge for slugs.

Illness a Tomato mosaic

       Illness a Tomato mosaic is caused by a virus. The Tomato mosaic proves out in the open and protected ground on leaves. Leaves become speckled, become shallow, and are deformed. At strong development of Tomato mosaic, fruits are not formed. The virus extends at top removal of seedlings, planting of sprouts to a constant place and carrying out of other agricultural technicians. Also carriers can be the insects parasitizing on plants of a tomato.
       Struggle measures:
- Use for crops only seeds from healthy plants,
- Removal of the affected sprouts and disinfection of soil by 1 % s' solution of potassium permanganate,
- Spraying of sprouts by 0.05%-s' solution of boric acid three-five days prior to its planting to a constant place and - repeatedly after 10 - 15 days;
- In hotbeds and under small-sized film shelters spraying of plants by 0.1%-s' solution of boric acid (1g on 1l of water);
- Destruction of the vegetative rests and weeds after picking of fruits,
       - Disinfection of hotbed frames and tares by 5%-s' solution of potassium permanganate.

Bean or beet bin plant louse

       Leaves of a beet, carrots, eggplant, potato and other plants are rolled owing to Bean or beet bin plant louses.
Bean or beet bin plant louse lives on the bottom part of leaves, on stalks where exhausts juice of plants. As a result leaves are braided is longitudinal, plants look sickly and give a low crop.
       Very warm and early spring promotes the strengthened development of a plant louse. The pest is destroyed by larvae of flies-sylphs, golden-eyed flies, and also various ichneumon-flies.
       In struggle against a plant louse apply:
- Tobacco infusion,
- Spraying by 2 %-s' solution of soap (200 g on 10 l of water).
       Plants chemicalizing it is necessary at the very beginning of occurrence of the pest when leaves are not rolled yet.