1kg rice, 700g lamb (beef), 250g mutton fat, 800g carrots, 4-5 onions, salt, pepper, barberry and zira (cumin) - to taste
Cut mutton fat to cubes, melt out them in a pot, remove the cracklings and heat well. In the boiling oil put chopped onion rings and fry until brown in color. Put the meat slices, and saute with onion until golden brown. Put the carrot strips and continue to fry, stirring occasionally, until soft.
Pour water so that it covers the contents of the pot and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Add spices (slight red pepper, zira, and barberry). When the contents of the pot start boiling, salt them and reduce heat and simmer on low heat for 50-80 minutes. (The longer the boil - the better the taste). If moisture evaporates, pour the boiling water. Lay well-washed rice evenly on contents, when the contents of the pot are ready. Increase the flame. Pour water so that it covers the rice layer on 1.5-2cm. Ensure rapid and uniform boiling.
Until the water has not evaporated, taste for salt and, if necessary add salt. Once the water evaporates, remove all the heat (and on the gas stove, reduce the flame to the limit). Collect pilau with a skimmer to the middle of pot. Make holes in several places, cover with pelvis (or dish). The time required for evaporation depends on the quantity and sort of rice. If the rice is used with average water absorption, it is enough 20-25 minutes.
Before serving, stir thoroughly pilau. Shift pilau on porcelain (pottery) dish. Put the meat on top. Sprinkle with chopped green onions. Serve up along a radish salad.