For treatment of asthma of Avitsenna used broth from quince seeds.

For secession of phlegm from bronchial tubes and lungs the following procedure is offered.

Cut off the top part of a quince. Accurately remove the midst. Inside put pieces of a tallow and honey in equal parts. Cover with top part, which before cut off. Put in small china (or brown ware) with a cover. Cook in an oven on weak fire within 20-30 minutes. Take the ready quince in a hot kind. Also, drink the extracted juice. After that it is necessary to breathe deeply. Repeat the procedure 10 days.


            Avitsenna for alleviation of secession of phlegm ordered daily to eat on 21 pieces of raisin with a breakfast meal. He also suggested taking a boiled radish with honey.


            500g sour sort of quinces, 500g meat, 2 onions, salt, black pepper, 0.5 tsp zira (cumin).

Fat lamb or beef cut into slices the size of a walnut. Rib bones chop slices of 2-3cm. Chop onion rings. Peel quinces from the bloom. Quince split in half, remove seeds, then cut into slices 1cm in width. All products put together, add salt and spices. Put in a saucepan, cover with a plate. Press with load. At the level of the contents of the saucepan pour water. Saucepan set over medium heat. Once the pot boils, reduce the heat to the minimum burning and simmer for 50 - 60 min.

The slices of quince and meat put on the plate, and serve up. Pour the sauce separately in a cup.


            20 - 25 medium tomatoes, 500g meat (pulp of mutton or beef), 300g mutton fat (150g for mince, 150g for sauce), 1 egg, 1 cup of half cooked rice, 4-6 onions (half for  mince, half for sauce), 2-3 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 pod of sweet pepper, 1 hot pepper, salt to taste.

Finely chop or mince the meat. Add chopped onion and raw egg. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, mix well.

In the lower tier steam pot melt the lamb fat, chopped into cubes. Without removing the cracklings, fry onions in it. Put shredded carrots and potatoes, Bulgarian (sweet) pepper, sliced as rings, and a whole pod of red pepper. Pour a little water and stew until half ready.

Cut bottoms of mature red tomatoes. Carefully, without disturbing their integrity, remove with a small knife the core with the seeds. Put in the tomatoes a little salt; put a piece of fat with size of the amygdala. Then fill the tomatoes with minced meat. To the upper tiers of the steam pot put tomatoes stuffed with open side down. The cores of tomatoes finely chop or put through a meat grinder. All this, together with the juice pour into the pot, add salt. Upper compartment of the steam pot with stuffed tomatoes settle down and cook in the steam of the sauce for 35-40 minutes.

Before serving, remove the ready tomatoes, put on a plate. Serve up sauce separately in a Piala (cup).


            1) Pass through a grater two cloves and an apple. Mix with 0.5 tsp of honey. Eat the thin gruel during the day in 3-4 intakes. Every day prepare a new portion of thin gruel. The thin gruel facilitates breath.  

2) For preventive maintenance of frequent colds, since autumn till the end of spring every day 2-3 times eat on a clove.

3) Take 1kg of dry garlic of average size. Clear them, crush cloves, and put in a 3l glass jar. From above pour 1l of Vodka (alcohol 400). Close with a polyethylene (kapron) cover and leave for 15-30 days. After that add 1 tsp of this tincture in a glass of milk and take 15-20 minutes prior to meal. Repeat three times a day.

The named solution is taken from October till May. In summer months - recess. The solution washes away the slag, frequent colds recede, the breathlessness is facilitated, the cardiac infarction is warned, sight and hearing improves, occurrence of tumor is warned, and the person feels looked younger.

(M: who does not digest whole milk, instead of milk can use Ayran - a half glass of warm boiled water, mixed with about a half glass of kefir)


            Chop the cleared onions (on a large grater) and put in to cup. Immediately wrap a cup with a napkin. Leave opened an average part. Through this open part deeply inhale with nose. An exhalation - through a mouth. Repeat within 5 minutes. Then deeply inhale with mouth through this open part. An exhalation - through a nose. Repeat within 5 minutes. After procedure is felt relief of breath. The onion gradually clears bronchial tubes, prevents frequent colds. At near thing procedure repeat 3 times a day to meal within 10 days. Repeat twice a day in the following of 20 days (early in the morning and before a dream). Repeat procedure once a day from second month. Continue to an absolute recovery.


Mrs. Vanga advised to treat asthma as follows. Take 10 average bulbs, clear them, put in kitchen utensil. Fill in with cold water so that water covered bulbs. When the onions will become wet well, add 125 g sea-buckthorn oils. Knead all this well. Take this thin gruel on 1 tbsp 2-3 times a day 30 minutes prior to meal. Repeat 4 times without interruption.


            500g meat, 3-4 onions, 50g melted butter, salt and pepper - to taste. 100-120 leaflets of vine.

Mince the pulp of lamb or beef. Add the chopped onion. Add salt and pepper, stir. Pick the young leaves (leaflets) of the vine. On the back side of each leaflet put 1 tsp of minced meat and roll in the form of small stuffed cabbage roll.

At the bottom of the pot put a plate. On the plate put the rolls seam down in rows. Cover top with other plate. Pour cold water so that it covered the contents of the pot, and cook for 30 - 35 minutes on low heat. Pour with melted butter.

Serve up on plates for 15-20 pieces per serving. Serve up the sauce separately in cups. The rolls are cooked only in the spring, during the occurrence of vine shoots. Of canned leaves are cooked in the winter.


            500g meat, 100g fat, 500g potatoes and 2 flat round breads, 3 onions, 1 carrot, 3-4 tomatoes (in summer) or 2/3 tbsp of tomato paste (in winter), salt, spices and greens - to taste.

The meat cut as a shish kebab. Peeled vegetables slice: onion as rings, carrots as circles, tomatoes as slices, potatoes as large cubes.

Melt down fat (animal or vegetable). Slightly fry the onions in it. Add meat and fry until frizzle. Put the tomato slices (or tomato paste), simmer with the meat. Put the carrot slices. Stir with a skimmer; pour water at the level of the contents of the pot. When meat and carrots cooked, put the potatoes and laurel leaf and let boil on low heat. Cut the breads of the same magnitude as meat. (It is better to use stale or dried in the sun bread, which absorbs moisture and fat and get a taste of meat). Put bread slices in pot, mix, add salt and pepper, and reduce the heat. Readiness is determined by the softening of the bread. If the bread immediately absorb all moisture, you can add a little boiling water.

Serve up on plates. Sprinkle with chopped greens.


        ·  herbalists advised to allergic person to carry themselves apple vinegar. Patients irrigated with apple vinegar of a sore, an itch, a skin eruption. For irrigating it is possible to use also, grape vinegar. They advised to take once a day a teaspoon of a solution of apple vinegar and water with stale black bread;

· Avicenna prescribed to take broth of mint (mountain mint) with a fig;

· in the beginning of a season of an allergy healers prescribed to eat the boiled turnip;

· on boiling water to put seeds and stalks of plant «isiriq» (hermala) and to boil 2-3 minutes. Cool it. To irrigate an allergic rash with this broth;

· for allergy preventive maintenance healers prescribed to drink koumiss (house milk) before meal;

· from kefir (curdled milk, yogurt) to make cottage cheese («suzma», «chakka»). For allergy preventive maintenance healers prescribed to eat this cottage cheese together with meal;

· to take a white ground egg shell (1,5-3g in day) for facilitates a condition of the patient;

· Indian healer Thakor prescribed an urinatherapy for allergy treatment. For adult on 60-100g, for children till 10 years 20-50g two times a day up to 30 mines to meal.

· in a thermos to put suck-bottle flowers. To fill in with boiled water at the rate of one cup on 1 tbsp flowers. To leave for 30 minutes. To filter. To take on a floor of a cup of 4-5 times in day in a warm kind. Helps at a rash, scrofula, an itch, eczema, furunculosis, as the means clearing blood.

·  healers prescribed to take juice of fresh roots of a celery odorous 3 times a day before meal on 1-2 tsp. Instead of juice it is possible to use broth: ground roots to fill in with cold water at the rate of a cup floor on 1 tbsp of roots. To leave for 2 hours. To filter. To take on 1/3 cups before meal. Helps at an allergic itch, dermatitis, a gout, and illnesses of kidneys. Also used as a diuretic and a light depletive; 

· instead of black tea to drink green tea.


For destruction of scabies mite:

· often to air a room where the patient and to air his bed;

· often to vacuum a room, upholstered furniture, heating batteries;

· to wash floors with a 20 % solution of dietary salt;

· before bed-clothes washing to presoak them in a 10 % solution of dietary salt;

· to replace natural pillows with the synthetic;

· carpets and oriental carpets to remove;

· books to store in the glazed shelf (or to remove to other room);

· weekly to wipe a dust on wardrobes, on mezzanines and in other remote places;

· curtains to erase and iron not less often than once a month (or remove); 

· to remove pictures behind which the dust can gather;

· time in half a year to wipe wall-paper with a pure moist rag (or accurately to vacuum), especially behind wardrobes;

· not to hold pets.


There is no dust - there are no scabies mites!


It is recommended to treat for a snore, for the night to smear in nasal meatus with nasal ointment (for example, PINOSOL-ointment);


Not to be engaged in self-treatment - to carry out doctor's orders!



            300g lamb, 300g liver, 300g kidney, salt, Zira (cumin), coriander and pepper - to taste.

The flesh of fresh mutton, liver and kidneys cut into pieces the size of a walnut. Sprinkle with powdered salt and spices. Strung on a special three-forked skewer: on one horn - meat slices of on the other - liver pieces and the third - kidneys pieces. Roast over a flaming charcoal first one side, then the other side.

Serve up by putting on a flat round bread. Garnish with onion rings. Separately submit a salad of tomatoes.


            400g beef, 400g lamb, 3 onions, 1 egg, 1 tsp salt and pepper, 50g flour and 2 tbsp paprika (for breading).

Beef with mutton twice mince. Add the finely chopped onions in the minced meat. Pour raw egg, add salt and pepper, and mix well. Then take in hand minced meat ~ 50-60g, form sausages, strung on skewers. Coat with flour mixed with paprika. Roast over the coals as a barbecue.

Put on a plate, 2-4 pieces per serving. Garnish with onion rings.


            1kg red tomatoes, salt and pepper - to taste

Choose tomatoes the size of a hen's egg. Rinse them in cold water and strung on skewers or paired skewers with 2-3 pieces. Roast over the coals - first one side then the other side until soft.

            Ready tomatoes put on a plate. Sprinkle with small salt and black pepper. Submit these tomatoes as a garnish for meat kebab.


            1kg of meat (sirloin), 2-3 onions, 1 tsp salt, pepper, zira (cumin) and coriander, 4-5 tbsp vinegar.

Beef cut into strips the length of 10-12cm and a thickness of 3cm.  Slightly hit each piece with mallet or the edge of a knife, put it in an enamel bowl. Add salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, vinegar and chopped onion, stir. Press down for 4-5 hours in cool place. Pieces string to metal skewers and grill over charcoal until golden brown.

Before serving, kabob put on a plate. Garnish with slices of fresh tomatoes, chopped onions. Separately, submit a sliced radish, cucumber.


            1kg rice, 200g no’hot (peas), 600g meat, 250g sheep's fat (or oil), 600g carrots, 2 onions, salt and spices: zira (cumin), barberry, ground pepper - to taste.
A washed no’hot soaked in cold water for 10-12 hours before cooking pilau. Wash rice a few times and soak in warm salted water for 2 hours. Chop the onion as rings. Carrots cut into 1x1x1 cm cubes or strips. Cut meat into 150-200g peaces.  When the rice and peas swell, in the pot with a spherical bottom heat the fat. Put the meat pieces and fry until a weak crust. Put the onion rings and stir fry a little over moderate heat. Once the onions start to change color, put the carrots and soaked peas. Add water to the level of the contents of the pot and cook over low heat until softening of peas (about 1 hour). After that, add salt and spices. Soaked rice evenly lay on the carrots. Pour water so that it covers a layer of rice on 0.5cm. Enhance the flame, to achieve rapid boil. From time to time, shovel a layer of rice with a skimmer. At the same time ensure that the rice does not mix with carrots. When all the moisture evaporates and the rice cooked, collect it to the middle of the pot. Remove the heat and cover the pot with dish for 20-25 minutes.
Before serving, stir thoroughly contents of the pot. Separate the meat. Put pilau on a dish. Meat cut into small pieces and put on top.


            1kg rice, 700g lamb (beef), 250g mutton fat, 800g carrots, 4-5 onions, salt, pepper, barberry and zira (cumin) - to taste
Cut mutton fat to cubes, melt out them in a pot, remove the cracklings and heat well. In the boiling oil put chopped onion rings and fry until brown in color. Put the meat slices, and saute with onion until golden brown. Put the carrot strips and continue to fry, stirring occasionally, until soft.
Pour water so that it covers the contents of the pot and bring to a boil over moderate heat. Add spices (slight red pepper, zira, and barberry). When the contents of the pot start boiling, salt them and reduce heat and simmer on low heat for 50-80 minutes. (The longer the boil - the better the taste). If moisture evaporates, pour the boiling water. Lay well-washed rice evenly on contents, when the contents of the pot are ready. Increase the flame. Pour water so that it covers the rice layer on 1.5-2cm. Ensure rapid and uniform boiling.
Until the water has not evaporated, taste for salt and, if necessary add salt. Once the water evaporates, remove all the heat (and on the gas stove, reduce the flame to the limit). Collect pilau with a skimmer to the middle of pot. Make holes in several places, cover with pelvis (or dish). The time required for evaporation depends on the quantity and sort of rice. If the rice is used with average water absorption, it is enough 20-25 minutes.
Before serving, stir thoroughly pilau. Shift pilau on porcelain (pottery) dish. Put the meat on top. Sprinkle with chopped green onions. Serve up along a radish salad.


            For this purpose accurately take out on one thread up and down fabrics. These threads are accurately fire by a match. 

If the thread burns quickly, in regular intervals, with a bright flame and smells, as if the paper burns, and ashes, which fall from a light touch - it means that a fabric from a vegetative fiber (cotton, flax) or from viscose.

Acetate silk also burns quickly. On the thread end there are ashes in the form of a hard black-brown small knot. At burning exhales a smell of acetic acid.

Kapron and nylon do not burn, and form a soft small knot.

Wool and natural silk burn badly. On the thread end is formed the black small knot ashes, which fall from a light touch. At burning exhale a smell of a burnt bone.


500g rice, 1.5 liters of milk, 0.5 liters of water, 200g pumpkin, 50g ghee (butter), salt - to taste.

In salted boiling water boil the washed rice to half-ready. When the moisture evaporates, add milk, bring to boil. Put the pieces (3 x 3 x 3cm) of pumpkin. Cook on moderate heat, stirring constantly, until ready.

Put cooked cereal in a bowl, pour melted butter, and serve up.


1kg lamb, 200g mutton fat, 2-3 onions, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp Zira (cumin), 2 tsp coriander  seeds, 1 tsp black or red pepper, 2 tbsp vinegar.
Cut the lamb flesh and the fat into pieces of 15-16g. Salt and pepper them, sprinkle coriander. Add finely chopped onion and vinegar. Mix all well. To marinate better, put all this in an enamel bowl, press on top with the load, cover with gauze and put the bowl in a cool place for several hours (4 to 24).
Then string on skewers for 6 pieces, the last piece - the fat. Roast over the coals, first on one side then the other to release the juice and golden brown. Swing occasionally with a fan, to increase heat and fry the meat evenly. If the fat runs down and makes a flame, sprinkle the coals with water.
When serving, garnish with rings of white onion, sliced cucumbers or tomatoes. You can separately supply fresh vegetables (tomato, cucumber, and radish) or a salad of them.

             500g rice, 250g qazi (homemade horse sausage), 250g fat, 400g carrots, 2-3 onions, salt and spices: Zira (cumin), barberry, coriander, ground red pepper - to taste. 
            Qazi put in a saucepan with cold water and boil on medium heat for 2 hours. Once the water boils, make a puncture with an awl in a few places of qazi. Melt well the fat in the pot with a spherical bottom. Slightly fry the onions in it. Put shredded carrot, lightly stir with onions. Put whole qazi. Cover with water and boil until carrot ready. Add salt and spices. 
            Lay soaked (1.5-2 hours) rice in the pot evenly. Fill water so that liquid is made of a layer of rice at 1.5cm. Increase the flame and make rapid boil. When the water evaporates, shovel the rice layer. If rice is not swollen, pour some hot water and boil until rice swollen. Then collect pilau to middle of the pot. Do punctures in several places of pilau with a cane. 
Tightly cover with the pelvis (or dish). Remove the fire and let stand for 25-30 minutes. 
            When pilau ready, take out qazi, cut into circles. M
ix pilau well, put on a platter heaped. Cover with sliced
​​pieces of qazi.


            This pilau is prepared for large numbers of people at weddings, on holiday treats. The recipe is made from for 1 person: 150g rice, 150g yellow carrot, 150g meat, 50g butter, 15g onion, 10g raisins, 15g no’hot (peas), 1g peppercorns, 1g zira (cumin) or other spices (optional), 0.5g sugar, salt - to taste.
Wash rice 4-5 times and soak along zarchava powder (food coloring, golden-yellow color, made from the root of a tropical plant) for 2-3 hours. Cut carrots like a big straw. Chop onion rings in width 0.5cm. Divide meat with bones into 0.5-1 kilo bits. In a large cast iron pot strongly to a white haze, heat oil. Put meat pieces and fry until golden brown. Put the onion and fry the meat until soften. Evenly put sliced carrots, pre-soaked peas, black pepper and other spices. Add water to the level of the contents of the pot and cook for 1 hour at moderate heat. When the peas are softened, add salt and sugar. Soaked rice lay over the carrots evenly. Pour hot water in an amount sufficient to swell the rice (the quantity of filled water depends on how much the variety of rice absorbs water).
After laying the rice remove heat. Put small split logs and set fire to a strong flame. With the rapid boiling and evaporation, stir the upper part of pilau with kapgir (big skimmer) several times. At the same time ensure that the rice cooked evenly, become soft and crumbly at the same time was. Then collect pilau on the middle of the pot. Do in several places punctures. Tightly cover with the pelvis. Reduce the heat and bring to a readiness in own steam for 20-40 minutes.
When pilau ready, take out the meat, cut into small pieces. Pilau mix completely. Put on lagans (dishes). Lay the meat on top of pilau on lagans and serve up.

label:how to cook palov


            1kg rice, 800g meat, 350g fat, 800g yellow carrots, 3-4 onions, 3-4 garlic, 2 quince, 150g no’hot (peas), 50g raisins, 50g pomegranate seeds, salt and spices to taste;
For decorations – a radish, an onion and 2 hard-boiled eggs.
In hot oil fry onions, then sliced meat, until golden brown. Put shredded carrots and fry with the meat until half-ready. Add soaked before no’hot, peeled slices of quince, and whole garlic. Add water and simmer until no’hot soft. Salt and pepper it only after no’hot ready (otherwise it would be difficult to weld no’hot). After checking the readiness of all the products, lay in rice. Cover with water and cook on high flame up to evaporations of superfluous water. Sprinkle with raisins. Cover pilau. Let to stand for  20 -25 minutes. Separately cook hard-boiled eggs, cut into slices. Onion cut as rosettes (or baskets).
Open pilau. Remove the quince, and garlic. Stir the ready pilau.  Lay on lagan (dish). Put the meat slices on top. Decorate with rosettes of onions, pomegranate seeds, garlic, egg slices and quince.
This pilau is a good decoration of a festive table.

Label: how to cook palov


            300g mung bean, 300g rice, 300g meat, 300g carrots, 300g butter, 2-3 onions, salt and spices - to taste

Slice meat. Shred carrots. In a strongly heated fat fry the onion and meat. When the meat is golden brown put the carrots and fry together until half-ready. Pour water. Put washed mung bean and cook on low heat until the shell of mung bean will not crack. Then put the washed rice and cook, stir frequently. Add salt. When both cereals soft, and evaporate excess water, remove pot from heat. Close the pot with a lid and let stand for 10-15 minutes.

Moshkichiri put on a dish. Sprinkle with chopped onion and black pepper. Serve up. You can separately supply one type of salad or sliced vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber, radish, and radish).


            For the broth: 500g chicken, 3 onions, 1 carrot, 2 potatoes, salt, pepper, laurel leaf and fennel - to taste.

For the dough: 300g flour, 2 eggs, а pinch of salt.

Salt dissolve in a spoonful of water, beat eggs in, and knead the dough. Roll the dough thinly and cut into noodles. Noodles lay out on the board - to dry up. Chicken cut into portions, place them in saucepan with cold water and simmer for 1 hour along with the onions. Remove the foam. Add thin strips of carrot. Salt and put laurel leaf. When carrots ready put noodles, potatoes, boil till ready.

Serve up in kosas (a large bowls, capacity of 0.5 liters). Put chicken pieces in it, sprinkle with chopped dill.


                Wart - not inflammatory nodular formation on a skin of virus etiology


1. Every evening before a dream cautiously drip a droplet of acetic acid on a wart. Acid “burns” a wart. In 2-3 days the wart will fall.

2. If on a foot there is a big wart it is necessary to put a foot in a hot bath with household soda. After the wart top becomes friable, it is necessary well scrape away a top of the wart with pumice. Dry up the foot with a towel. On a wart put a piece of crude meat. Fix with plaster and bandage for 3-4 days. At this time do not wet this place. After that, remove a bandage. Once again wash out the foot in hot water with household soda. The wart will fall.

3.  Rub a fresh cut of garlic a top of a wart of 8-10 times in day. In 3-4 days the wart will fall.

4.  Grind seeds of onion and salt. Put on a wart and fix. Repeat every day while the wart will not fall.

5. Each hour smear on a wart a milk of leaves of a fig. Helps to deliverance from warts and birthmarks.


            Not sour Qatiq (kefir, curdled milk or other sour-milk products) put in a canvas sack. A sack suspend over a pan. A liquid give to flow down. This liquid can be used in cosmetics or for head washing, or as the useful soft drink improving micro flora of intestines (as disbacteriosis preventive maintenance).

When all liquid will flow down, suzma is ready to use. It is possible to use suzma in salads, in preparation Ayran (soft drink).

In suzma there are tens the most useful vitamins, microelements, a digestible protein. Avicenna appointed the suzma, in particular, at illnesses of a liver and an anemia. 

It is possible to make of it Qurut (tasty dried salty balls in the size in a sweet cherry). From a table spoon salted suzma is rolled the ball. It is good to dry the bolls under the sun. Although of the fact that qurut salty, in tropical countries they eat qurut for relief of thirst. Qurut is long stored and does not spoil.

            Sour suzma it is not recommended to persons with the raised acidity of gastric juice.


            2 turnips, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 1 cup of rice, 0.5 bunch of greens (cilantro or dill), salt and pepper - to taste.

Cut into cubes peeled turnips and carrots. Chop the onion as rings. All this put into a saucepan, pour cold water and simmer for 35-40 minutes. Put the washed rice (or ground rice) and bring to ready. Salt and add pepper.

Before serving, pour into kosa (large bowl 0.5 l). Sprinkle with chopped greens. Dilute qatiq (kefir) or serve up qatiq separately.

This soup is prepared in the absence of appetite, and malaise, while colds. With sprinkled ground (black or red) peppers the soup is used as a diaphoretic.  


            500g mutton or beef, 100g mutton fat, 500g potatoes, 4 tomatoes (in summer) or 2 tbsp tomato paste (in winter) 3-4 onions, 2 carrots, a pod of red pepper, a bunch of cilantro or dill, salt - to taste.

Melt down the fat, which was cut into cubes, remove the cracklings. Saute onion. Put the meat slices, along with the chopped bones. Fry meat until golden brown. Add sliced tomatoes or tomato paste, Stew a few minutes. Put the chopped carrot slices. Put peeled whole potatoes and a pepper pod. Mix, pour water and allow to boiling. Loosen the heat and simmer until cooked (~1 hour).

Pour ready soup into kosas (large bowls 0.5 l), sprinkle with chopped greens and serve up.


            For broth: 1 kg beef or mutton bones, 2 onions, 1 clove garlic, a laurel leaf, salt - to taste.

For stuffing: 500g meat, 2-3 onions, an egg white, 0.5 tsp of salt.

For dough: 500g flour, an egg, 1 cup water, 0.5 tsp salt.

Put bones into cold water and simmer for 2 hours. Add peeled whole onion and garlic. When ready, remove the bones, onion and garlic. Put the laurel leaf and salt.

Knead the dough as for noodles, roll into a thin (2 mm) layer. Divide the layer into two halves. From one half cut the noodles. From another - the squares for dumplings (size 4X4 cm)

Meat mince. Add chopped onion, egg white and salt. Mix well. Divide this stuffing into two parts. From one part make dumplings. From another part make meatballs (size of cherries). At first, put the dumplings into boiling broth. Then put the meatballs, and after few minutes put the noodles.

Before serving, pour the ready soup in kosas (a large bowls 0.5 l). Sprinkle with chopped greens and black pepper. Separately supply qatiq (kefir).


            1 kg tomatoes, 2-3 onions, 2 potatoes, 1 pod of red pepper, 500g beef or lamb bones, coriander greens, salt - to taste.

Put in a pan treated bones. Add water and simmer for 2 hours. When the broth will be nourishing, remove the bones. Put the peppers and onions, chopped as rings, salt. Cut the bottoms of the tomatoes. Put tomatoes and potatoes into the broth and cook for 25-30 minutes on low heat. Take out the tomatoes when they ready, grind, remove the peel. Pour the resulting liquid back into the pan.

When serve up, pour in kosas (a large bowls 0.5 l). Sprinkle with chopped greens. Usually, is cooked in summer, autumn


            1 cup mung bean, 1 cup of rice, 300g meat, 100g fat, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 2 potatoes, 2-3 tomatoes (in summer) or 1 tbsp tomato paste (in winter), fresh greens, salt and pepper to taste.

In the kettle with spherical bottom melt fat. Put the pieces of meat and onions and fry. Put carrots, chopped as cubes. Simmer it all together with tomatoes or tomato paste. After that, pour water, let to boil, add salt and pepper. Put the washed rice and potatoes, which was cut into large cubes. When rice ready, add cooked mung bean.

Pour the soup in a kosas (a large bowls 0.5 l), sprinkle with chopped green and serve up.


            3 cups of, 2 onions, 2 tsp tomato paste, 200g minced meat, 100g fat, salt and pepper - to taste.

Rinse mung beans well, put in a saucepan with cold water and cook until cracking of the mung beans shell. In another pan melt butter. Saute onion, minced meat with tomato paste. Salt and add pepper. Mix everything with ready mung beans.

Pour into a kosas (a large bowls 0.5 l), sprinkle with chopped greens and serve up with qatiq (kefir). If not mung beans, it can be replaced by lentils.


            1.5 cups of rice, 300 g meat (flesh), 100g oil, 3-4 onions, 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes (in summer) or 1 tbsp tomato paste (in winter), 2 potatoes, 1 pod of red pepper, 0.5 bunch of green coriander, 1 tsp of black pepper, salt - to taste.

Pass the meat through grinder (coarse grid). Fry in frying pan with onion until half-ready. Then pour into a saucepan, add water. When the water boils, put the carrots, which were cut into cubes. Put the chopped onion and tomato slices. Simmer until soft. Put a pod of red pepper. Wash rice 4-5 times and put in the saucepan. Put potato slices (2 x 2 x 2cm). Simmer until cooked all the products. Add salt and pepper.

Pour the ready soup into kosas (large bowls 0.5 l). Sprinkle with chopped green (coriander) and serve up. Separately supply qatiq (kefir).