500g meat, 100g fat, 500g potatoes and 2 flat round breads, 3 onions, 1 carrot, 3-4 tomatoes (in summer) or 2/3 tbsp of tomato paste (in winter), salt, spices and greens - to taste.

The meat cut as a shish kebab. Peeled vegetables slice: onion as rings, carrots as circles, tomatoes as slices, potatoes as large cubes.

Melt down fat (animal or vegetable). Slightly fry the onions in it. Add meat and fry until frizzle. Put the tomato slices (or tomato paste), simmer with the meat. Put the carrot slices. Stir with a skimmer; pour water at the level of the contents of the pot. When meat and carrots cooked, put the potatoes and laurel leaf and let boil on low heat. Cut the breads of the same magnitude as meat. (It is better to use stale or dried in the sun bread, which absorbs moisture and fat and get a taste of meat). Put bread slices in pot, mix, add salt and pepper, and reduce the heat. Readiness is determined by the softening of the bread. If the bread immediately absorb all moisture, you can add a little boiling water.

Serve up on plates. Sprinkle with chopped greens.