For 1 meter of sheep intestines: 1 spleen, 200g of lung, 2 kidney, 100g meat, 1 onion, 1 cup of rice or broken rice, 2 cups of warm water, salt and pepper – for a taste.

Wash sheep's intestine, turn inside out, rubbing salt and rinse several times. To completely eliminate the smell, the intestine should be dipped for a few hours in the whey or sour milk. Then rinse again, turn out the fat side up. Tie the one end with coarse thread. At the other end insert a funnel with a wide mouth. Fill the prepared liquid stuffing and tie.

Way of preparation of stuffing. Lamb meat, lungs, spleen, kidneys, finely chop or mince. Add chopped onion, washed rice, sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour water and mix well.

Put the intestines (sausage – hasip) in a pan with cool water and cook on low heat for 40-45 minutes. Once the water boils, pierce the hasip in several places with a needle.

On readiness remove from heat, cool and cut into pieces. Serve up with chopped onion.