For 10kg of eggplants: 0.5litres of 9% vinegar, 200g garlic, 200g bitter siliculose pepper (not dry), 0.5kg of sweet bulgarian pepper, 0.5litres of vegetable oil, 200g large salt, a fragrant bell pepper, 10 pieces of a laurel leaf, a bunch of greens of parsley.

            Eggplants boil in salty water (approximately the salt half-glass), up to become soft. Then cut them lengthways and stack under a press. After 5 hours take out, cut on four parts and fry both sides in vegetable oil. The fried eggplants put in the big ware and allow to them to cool down. In this time prepare sauce: sweet and bitter pepper together with garlic pass through a meat grinder, add other salt, vinegar, spices, the oil rests. Eggplants put layers in a jar, little sauce put every layer, fill in with it from above and sterilise 15-20 minutes. Better use small jars