First way: For this purpose necessary: the powerful soldering iron (60-100W) and an electric or a gas stove. Aluminum with a rosin piece put on a stove and heat up it. When rosin will begin melt, with a powerful soldering iron ­quickly tin a soldering place. Now ­ it is easy to solder leads of details to this place­.


Second way – to tin without a soldering iron. In this case into soldering place put a slice of solder and, hold aluminum over a stove, melt solder. Watch ­thus that solder was not rolled up into a ball that will testify to a strong overheat. Then with a knife blade or a sharp plate "cut" the melted­ solder and smooth out an aluminum surface­. As scraping occurs under a layer of the melted solder, aluminum has not time to be oxidized and solder behind a knife blade will strongly incorporate ­ to a smoothed out surface.


Third way - electrochemical. For this purpose necessary: strong (concentrated) copper vitriol, a battery from a pocket lantern and a copper wire­. Carefully smooth out an aluminum surface a place assumed to solder leads of details. Accurately put on it two or three drops concentrated copper vitriol. Connect to aluminum a (-) contact of a battery, and to a (+) contact connect to a piece of a copper wire. The end of wire lower in a drop of vitriol on aluminum (the wire should not contact to aluminum). After a while on the aluminum will settle layers of red copper to which after drying it is possible to solder leads of details.