High and earlier crop of vegetables can be get only from high-quality seeds. At sowing of bad seeds not help neither careful soil cultivation, nor its heavy fertilization. Everybody who will not be counted with this rule can not reap a crop of his work.

Good-quality seeds are considered as:

- Well developed,

- Free from extraneous impurity (lumps of the soil, sand, impurity of seeds of other plants, especially weedy),

- Normally painted,

- Tested for an amicable and full germination,

- Characteristic color, taste and a smell.


Color of seeds depends from:

- Degrees of their ripeness,

- Ways of treatment,

- And sometimes from age.


·      Not quite grown ripe seeds of cabbage have not light brown color peculiar to them,

·      Light color of seeds of a cucumber specifies in their freshness. Bad harvesting and bad drying changes the color,

·      Large seeds have also good shine. With increase in age of seeds they gradually lose shine,

·      If seeds became rancid or they have a musty smell, it means, they damaged.


It is recommended to store seeds in room conditions at temperature not above 20°ะก. At a cool storage they lose germination.