How to bake a flat cake "Shirmoyi non" and "Shirmoyi patir"

            Preparation of the dough for such flat cake - difficult process:

Prepare special “leavened dough” from an anise and peas. Boil an anise in 3/4 liter of water within 10 minutes. Pour the broth into a ceramic pot with peas. Put a pot in a bain-marie with weak fire before occurrence of dense foam on a pot surface. Collect all foam in separate dish. Make a dough from this foam with addition of little flour, which after 5-6 hour will be used as leavened dough. 

Knead main dough from milk, flour and prepared leavened dough. Bring the dough to ready by hitting with fists. Detach 200g pieces from the dough. Mould flat cakes from these pieces, by thickness of 3cm along the edges and 1cm in a middle part. Punch the middle of flat cakes by a fork in the form of round patterns. Bake flat cakes in hot “Tandir” (the round clay furnace, for baking of flat cakes).

Components для 8-10 flat cakes: 1kg of flour, 2 caps of milk, 1 cap of peas, 1 tsp anise, 2 tsp salt.


For "Shirmoyi patir" (a rich big flat cake) the dough prepares as in the first case, plus addition butter (or fat) and sugar. Detach from the dough 500g pieces. Mould flat cakes from these pieces, by thickness of 1cm along the edges and 0.5cm in a middle part. Punch the middle of flat cakes by a fork in the form of round patterns. Bake flat cakes in hot “Tandir”. Components для 5 rich big flat cakes: 1.5kg of flour, 2-3 cups of milk, 1 cup of peas, 1 tsp anise, 2 tsp salt, 100g butter, 1 tbsp sugar.