Nitric fertilizers:

- An ammonium nitrate,

- Ammonium sulphate,

- Urea (carbamide).

Ammonium nitrate - high-speed fertilizer, contains 34-35% of nitrogen, is well dissolved in water, and slightly acidifies soil, therefore before its entering it is recommended to add 0.5kg of a lime on 1kg of the fertilizer.

Ammonium sulphate contains 20.8-21% of nitrogen, is well absorbed by soil, but acidifies it. Before entering into soil it is necessary to add 2kg of a chalk or 1.2kg of a lime on 1kg of the fertilizer.

Urea contains 46% of nitrogen, is well dissolved in water.


Phosphoric fertilizers:

- Superphosphate “simple”,

- Superphosphate “double”.

Superphosphate “simple”, contains from 14 to 19.5% of phosphorus (PrO5), quickly gets mixed up with soil in inactive connection and gradually turns into form less accessible to plants, practically does not acidify soil.

Superphosphate “double” (granular fertilizer) contains 45-48% of phosphorus. It is well dissolved in water, gets mixed up with soil in inactive connections, does not acidify soil


Potassium fertilizers:

- Potassium chloride,

- Potassium salt,

- Potassium sulphate.

The potassium chloride contains 52.4 – 56.9% of potassium oxide, is well dissolved in water, and contains a lot of chlorine, therefore the fertilizer it is better to Introduce in the autumn (for washing away of chlorine by rainfall).

Potassium salt contains from 30 to 40% of potassium oxide, is well dissolved in water. As well as the potassium chloride, contains a lot of chlorine. It also is better to Introduce in the autumn.

Potassium sulphate contains 45-50% of potassium oxide, is well dissolved in water, and does not contain the chlorine.


Fertilizers are introduced in the spring at soil cultivation and at dosing of plants. Ammonium sulphate can be introduced in the autumn. The potassium chloride and Potassium salt is more preferable for Introducing in the autumn.