Nitrogen plays a special role in life of plants. At a lack of nitrogen in soil, plant growth is late, productivity and the nutrients content in vegetables decreases. At plentiful nitrogen nutrition growth of plants sharply amplifies, raises the fiber content in leaves, stalks, fruits, seeds, tubers, roots, the vegetative period is extended, plants become more sensitive to frosts, a drought.

Phosphorus promotes formation of a powerful root system, accumulation of carbohydrates (starch and sugar), accelerates crop maturing. It is very important to provide plants with phosphorus during the incipient period of their growth, at formation of fruit-bearing organs, crop maturing.

Potassium is necessary for formation mechanical tissues of plants. At a lack of this element formation and movement in tissues of carbohydrates, process of aerial nutrition of plants are weakened, firmness of plants to the high and low temperatures, defeat by fungoid diseases decreases.

Calcium favors to root system growth, good an effect has on reduction of a degree of acidity of soil. Plants feel requirement for it from the beginning of germination of a seed.

Microelements (manganese, copper, zinc, boron) also are of great importance in life of plants, having positive an effect on their growth, development and fruit-bearing.

If with skill to use fertilizers, it is possible to raise much more productivity, to improve palatability of production. Thus it is necessary to know that the cabbage, for example, absorbs more nitrogen, carrot and beet put forth increased requirements to potassium, a cucumber and a tomato - to phosphorus. The cabbage well grows on cultivated soils at entering of only mineral fertilizers; carrot well grows on aftereffect of dung with entering of average doses of mineral fertilizers.