For disinfection of seeds of cabbage from phomosis, an alternaria, a vascular bacteriosis, immerse them in hot water (48-50°C) for 20 minutes. Warm up seeds of cucumber and tomato within three hours at temperature 60°C. Keep temperature, adding to it all time the hot water. If water temperature is above 50°C, seeds will lose germination. Then cool seeds, lowering in cold water for some minutes and dry. In the same way cool seeds of radish, turnip.

Seeds of tomato it is possible to treat in formalin solution (1 part 40% formalin on 100 parts of water) before the crop. Maintain them in the solution 15 minutes, and then cover with rag moistened in the same solution, and leave at two hours. For liquidation of virus diseases place cucumber and tomato seeds for 20 minutes in a potassium permanganate solution (1g on a water glass), and then wash out with water.

The seed treatment of tomato in a potassium permanganate solution not only raises firmness of plants of a tomato against streak diseases, but also satisfies requirement of plants for a microelement - manganese.