The sweet-sour pomegranate contains:
· sugar 15 - 19%,
· organic acids   1.0-2.5%,
· vitamin C.
The peel of fruits of a pomegranate is rich with tannins. Broth of peel of pomegranate is astringent and antiphlogistic. Broth of peel of pomegranate is used at:
- Atherosclerosis,
- Diarrhea after eating,
- Constant diarrhea,
- Dysentery,
- Inflammatory processes in a stomach.
Avicenna has described improving properties of a pomegranate, dividing their properties depending on taste:
- The sour pomegranate suppresses “yellow bile”;
- Sourish pomegranate juice helps at inflammatory processes in a stomach,
- The sweet pomegranate approaches for a stomach as light astringent, and the sour pomegranate is harmful to it;
- A pomegranate is diuretic. But sour pomegranate is stronger;
- A pomegranate seeds in a combination with honey are used as ointment at malignant ulcers,
- Burnt cutting of pomegranate is used at wounds.
It is recommended to drink pomegranate juice on a half-cup three times a day to half hour to meal.