For broth kazi (sausage made from horse meat) and mutton boil in salted water over low heat for 2 hours. While cooking remove the foam and put the chopped onion, greens. Cooked meat and kazi remove from broth and put in another bowl. Cover with sliced onions. The dough from wheat flour thinly sheet. Cut out dough rectangles (12 x 15cm). Rectangles, then cook in the broth over high heat. Boiled rectangles put on lyagan (big plate). Cover with pieces (25-30 g ) of the boiled meat and kazi. Pour on top a few spoonfuls of the broth. The rest of the broth to pour in soup cups, add katyk (kefir), chopped onion, to taste vinegar, pepper and serve separately.
Ingredients for 5 servings: a half kilogram of Kazi, a half kilo of mutton, 2-3 onions,500 grams of flour, 1 spoon salt, 1 piala (teacup) katyk.
Ingredients for 5 servings: a half kilogram of Kazi, a half kilo of mutton, 2-3 onions,