Select the largest seeds, pickle them within 20 minutes in an one-percentage solution manganese solution (1 g on 100 ml of water), then wash out and dry. On March, 10-15 th plant them on 3-4 pieces in paper cups or pots with the nutritious earthen mix consisting of peat, humus, the cespitose earth, compost, manure (horse or cow), perlite sand. Depth of seeds - 0,5 - 0,8 cm

It is possible to grow up sprouts in a box with the earthen mix consisting of one part of peat and one part perlite sand. On a mix bucket add 15-20 g ammoniac saltpeter, 20 g potassium sulfate, 50 g the super phosphate, 250 ml of a dolomitic flour or a ground chalk, a half-tablet of microcells or two glasses of wood ashes. The distance between numbers - 5 - 6 sm, between seeds among - 1 - 1,5 sm.

From above crops cover a polyethylene film and put in a warm place (temperature 18-22°С). Through 4 - 5 days when shoots will start to appear, a film remove, and shoots leave at a window at temperature 8 - 10°С in the afternoon and 6 - 10°С at night. So hold within a week. Further in solar weather the temperature is desirable for supporting within 14 - 18°С, and in cloudy - 12 - 16°С. Temperature at night 6 - 10°С. To provide a temperature mode, fence off crops from heating batteries a polyethylene film in the afternoon. Some times in day for short time slightly open a window leaf. For the night leave plants on a floor about a balcony door.

Holding such temperatures tempers sprouts. Certainly, in house conditions to observe such modes uneasy, but their nobility and to use as reference points very important.

If seeds were planted in boxes days through 15 spend sword-play, that is their change in caps or the pots filled with an earthen nutritious mix. Among the sprouts which are grown up in cups, choose the strongest plants on one in everyone, the others remove.

Water moderately through 2 - 3 days with room temperature water. Relative humidity try to support at level of 60-70 %. At high humidity the sprouts are coddled and more often damaged by illnesses, such, as a black leg or false mealy dew. At the big dryness humidify a premise from a spray.

One-two time during cultivation, plants feed up from calculation 1-1,5 g nitrite ammophos on water litre.

For two weeks before lending in an open ground when the sprouts will have 3-4 present leaflets, start to spend light training. For this purpose take out plants on a balcony, since 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing this time. Before landing within 7-8 days hold sprouts under solar beams already all the day.

In the beginning land cabbage, and in 7-10 days - cauliflower ….


Russian original in magazine  “Nauka I Jizn’ ” No3, 1988