… Pepper and eggplant sprouts is better to grow up in pots with an earthen nutritious mix as it transfers change badly. Seeds of tomatoes can be sown in boxes, the big banks. An earthen mix with mineral fertilizers prepare same, as well as for cabbage, but quantity of superphosphate increase till 100-120 For film hothouses and hotbeds sow seeds in the beginning of March that by the moment of disembarkation the age of sprouts was 50-60 days. For an open ground repeat crops on March, 25-30th.

In pots or glasses sow on 3-5 pieces of seeds. In boxes place them on lines on distance of 5-6 cm from each other. Depth is 0,5-1 cm from above fill up a nutritious mix, cover a polyethylene film and put in a warm place. Temperature support in limits 23-27°С. After occurrence of shoots a film remove, and temperature if there is a possibility, reduce to 12 16°С in the afternoon and 6-10оС at night. Such mode support within 5-7 days. Further the temperature can be raised, in solar weather to 21-27°С, in cloudy to 16-20°С, at night to 6-13°С. The low temperature (6-10°С at night) promotes earlier bookmark of the first inflorescence at tomatoes with a considerable quantity flowers .

Water seldom, but it is plentiful. The dried up surface from time to time mulch or loosen.

In 10-15 days after occurrence of shoots leave in pots or glasses on two sprouts. In boxes spend at this time singling, that is change tomatoes sprouts to pots or cups with a nutritious mix. After singling sprouts shade, temperature support within 20 - 25°С in the afternoon and 8 - 10°С With a night at relative humidity of air not less than 70 %. Through 2 - 3 days of a plant water, and sprouts in 10-15 days after singling feed up, quantity of mineral fertilizers prepare from calculation 5 g ammoniac saltpeter, 40 g superphosphate and 10 g potassium sulphate on 10 litres of water. Superphosphate presoak in an one-litre jar one days prior to carrying out of dosing and use a water extract. Spend on 50-100 ml of a solution for one pot. Second time feed up in 7 10 days. Third time - through the following of 7-10 days, but doses of fosforno-potash fertilizers increase in 1,5-2 times, the sprouts become steadier against unfavorable external conditions.

Feed up sprouts of pepper and eggplants, as well as sprouts of tomatoes. In an open ground of a plant replace in June when passes danger of last frosts. Is better on the South side of a site which is protected from winds and well warmed up ….


Russian original in magazine “Nauka I Jizn’ ” No3, 1988