These plants well grow in the friable soil mix prepared from equal parts of humus, peat and the cespitose earth or from two parts peat (black, strongly decayed), one part perlite sand and one part of wood sawdust. Fertilizers add in the same quantities, as well as for cabbage, only ammoniac saltpeter increase till 25-30 g. Sawdust before entering scald 1-2 times with boiled water.

The sprouts are more convenient for growing up in pots or cups though it is possible and in boxes with obligatory singling in a phase of cotyledonous leaflets. For hotbeds of film hothouses seeds plant in the first decade of April. Preliminary pickle them in 1 %-s' solution of potassium permanganate, then wash out and dry. For increase of stability of plants it is possible to spend their training. For this purpose after washing seeds spread out on a gauze, a filtering paper or scalded sawdust and put in a warm place at temperature 20-25°С. Approximately in a day bulked up seeds transfer to a refrigerator or fill up snow (temperature-1-3°C). The part of seeds at such processing will be lost, but the remained plants will be steadier against short-term fall of temperature.

Sprouts cover a film and temperature support nearby 25- 27°С. For 3-5 th day after occurrence of shoots a film remove, and temperature lower in the afternoon to 15 20°С, at night till 12-18°С.

 During cultivation sprouts 1-2 times feed up, first time in 10-15 days after occurrence of shoots, it is desirable feltwort (1: 10) or the bird's dung (1: 20). Spend on 30-50 ml for one plant. Second time - 2-3 days prior to sprouts sow. On 10 liter of the prepared solution feltwort add 60 g a garden mix or 20 g ammoniac saltpeter, 20 g sulfuric potassium 30 g superphosphate (a water extract). Use on 100 ml of a solution on each plant.

Sprouts it is possible to transfer on May, 10-15th. For an open ground it should be ready to planting on June, 5-10th (term of its cultivation in a room of 20 25 days). To sow it is better on the warmed ground (steam ridges, crests) where as bioheater to use manure or other organic materials.


Russian original in magazine “Nauka I Jizn’ ” No3, 1988