The meadow clover contains substances as:
- Glycosides,
- Vitamin C,
- Vitamins of group B,
- Carotin,
- Salicylic acid,
- Volatile oils.
Flowers of clover meadow possess expectorant and diuretic properties. Flowers of clover meadow are recommended at:
- Lungs illnesses of,
- Kidneys illnesses,
- Uterine bleedings,
- Anemia (iron deficiency anemia),
- Organism exhaustion.
There is information on anticancer action of a clover.
The crushed leaves of a clover meadow are put to suppurating ulcers and wounds on a skin surface.
Salads are prepared from fresh leaves of a clover.
Infusion: 1-2 table spoons of flower heads fill in with a cup of strong boiled water; 30-40 minutes set aside and take on one table spoon three-four times a day.