On glasses of old automobile headlights from within the dust, in due course, sits down. In the winter glass sometimes sweats. This moisture with a dust forms a matte layer. As a result of use such headlights:
· Drivers of counter cars are blinded;
· Road is shined insufficiently;
· Headlight glass is heated (at hit of cold water - can burst).
Clearing of glass of a headlight from within, according to the advice of Rinat (car mechanic), is made as follows:
- Remove the headlight.
- Throw in a headlight small newspaper scraps (about a handful).
- From above pour about 100g of spirit.
- Holding glass downwards, vigorously shake a headlight. Thus wet paper scraps wash off a dusty layer.
- Wash off with water from under the crane the rests of papers from the headlight.
- Dry in position by glass upwards.
If necessary, repeat the described procedure. After long operation, it is desirable to replace a headlight with the new