The HYPERICUM contains:

- 10-12% of tannins,
- Essence,
- Resinous substances,
- Saponins,
- Choline,
- Carotin,
- Vitamin C.
  In scientific medicine an elevated part of hypericum is used as astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial means.
Favorable results are given by treatment of sharp and chronic colitis.
It is applied in quality styptic and an antiseptic at a stomach catarrh, at illnesses of a liver.
             At treatment of colitis prepare infusion: one tbsp of the dry crushed herb on a cup of boiled water. Boil 5-10 minutes and take in the cooled condition a half-cup three times a day on an empty stomach.
            At an inflammation of a bilious bubble herb infusion make as tea (a tbsp on a cup of strong boiled water).
            For treatment of rheumatism prepare the infusion so: three tbsp of the crushed herb fill in with a cup of boiled water and two hours insist. Take on third of cup in day within three-four weeks. In the same purposes a fresh hypericum, put to painful places.