Water pepper (biting knotweed, red-knees, sickle-weed, and smartweed) contains:
- Potassic salt ether,
- Sulfuric acid,
- Volatile oils,
- Tannins,
- Formic acid,
- Acetic acid,
- Etc.
Water pepper is applied as (agent):
- haemostatic;
- accelerating a blood coagulation;
- blood viscosity increasing;
- anaesthetizing;
- anti-inflammatory.
Water pepper and its preparations are applied at:
- Uterine bleeding,
- Hemorrhoids,
- Diarrhea,
- Suppurations,
- Dysentery,
- Nephrolithiasis,
- Varicose phlebectasia,
- Etc.
It is not recommended to self-medicate.